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July’s Pie of the Month: Lemon Meringue

July’s Pie of the Month: Lemon Meringue

When life presents us with lemons, we at Little Pie Company prefer to put them in our Lemon Meringue Pies! Whether your event-filled calendar includes a summer music jam in the park, a chance to dine en pleine air on a friend’s city deck, or a bridal shower that sends you searching for a sunny gift, we’re all smiles with our brimming Lemon Meringue Pies.

Stop by for Refreshing Summer Drinks at Little Pie Company

Stop by for Refreshing Summer Drinks at Little Pie Company

Stay cool with Little Pie Company as we celebrate National Iced Tea Day on June 10th. For the pause that refreshes, swing by the bakery and pick up an Arnold Palmer (iced tea, fresh lemonade, half and half) to slake your thirst—or sip into summer with our other cold drinks as well, such as good old lemonade or an affogato (espresso and ice cream) available all season.

Fresh Summery Pies Delivered to You

Fresh Summery Pies Delivered to You

Significant other? Check. New sporty summer togs? Check. Suntan lotion? Coffee pot off? Check. Check! So, what else is missing as you pack for your July 4th getaway weekend?

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